Our Goals

We have this great idea that young girls too can feel confident and loved and embraced just as they are simply because they are beautiful. Our primary goal is to educate Black girls in the beauty of their hair and history.


Our Objectives…


To create a safe space for parents, caregivers and guardian to come that reinforces self-love, strengthens relationships, builds strong communities and cultural connections, and challenges the negative perception that Black is inferior and unattractive.


To increase hair care knowledge of Black parents, guardians and caregivers that will assist them to take care of Black girls’ hair.

To plant seeds to empower our youth and build a generation of self‐advocates and changemakers.


To strengthen Black girls’ self-image and confidence.

Young Black women and girls will benefit from positive role models and mentorship to build a healthy sense of identity.


To encourage Black girls to love themselves and to be proud of their natural hair and increase access to Black services that promotes Black beauty, Black imagery and Black self-worth.